Flea Treatment Again 3 Weeks Later
Flea infestations can be an awful nuisance. Not only are they fairly disgusting due to their daily diet of blood, they also pose a health risk! Perhaps you are trying to kill the fleas on your pet or in your yard. Much to your surprise, maybe you find a few fleas on your clothes, hair or skin which can even cause flea allergy dermatitis! Fleas on people are actually more common than most think. However, regardless of their location, if you have been trying to get rid of a flea problem, I am sure that you are desperately looking for a solution. The good news is that you have visited the right website as The Bug Squad is the authority in free bug removal methods! It is very important that you work at this immediately and do not put it off for a later date as fleas spread and multiply very fast. The first step in any battle is to know your enemy as this will help you to fight effectively. Keeping with these points, this article will review the life cycle of a flea and other various relevant facts that are vital to know in order to get rid of them as fast as possible.
Flea Infestation in the Home – What You Can Do Right Now!
The first thing that you should do is remove the fleas from your pets. Having to deal with flea infestations on dogs are the most common but cats also often have them frequently. Fleas are most commonly found in their hair, especially around the neck region. This removal process can be very affordable and I highly recommend that you have a look at a few natural flea remedies first or give a flea comb for cats a try. These are great because they are very cheap and you do use any poisons which can be potentially fatal to your pets. However, do not worry, if properly administered, flea poison can be safe and very effective. If I have to recommend a specific brand, it will be either Advantage or Front-line. I am not suggesting that others won't work but these two have yielded excellent results for my pets in the past. You can usually purchase them for under $60 but just make sure that you purchase the right amount for your type and size of pet. After application, you should start to see results in the next 18 hours so just be patient, they will not die on contact, and it takes awhile to remove fleas.
Whatever your decision, make sure that you do it as quickly as possible. If you kill the fleas on your pet before they spread, you can stop the flea infestation dead in its tracks. Another good flea remedy that is very effective in killing fleas around your home is to build your very own flea trap. These traps are very cheap and can effectively help you with any flea problems.
What Is The Life Cycle Of The Average House Flea?
In order to combat fleas effectively, it's always good to have a brief understanding of the way that they reproduce and grow. If you grasp the stages of flea development, it will make it easier to kill them. The life cycle of a flea is comprised of four important stages, namely:
- The flea eggs stage.
- The flea larvae stage.
- The flea pupa stage.
- The adult fleas stage
The entire process can vary from a few weeks to a couple months, depending on the type of fleas and of the climate. This section is meant as a summary, please check out my full article on the lives of fleas for much more detail. With that in mind, lets look at the flea reproductive cycle and gain some insight into how they grow.
The first stage (as previously mentioned), is the flea egg stage. Unlike most other pests, these eggs are not sticky at all and thus your darling pet is often responsible for spreading these tiny eggs all over your house. They often fall into places like your carpets, bedding and other places where they go unnoticed due to their size.
The second stage is the flea larvae. They look like tiny white worms with small hairs and are about 6 millimeters long. They feed on organic material that is found on their host or in their surroundings and provided they receive enough nutrients and consume enough food, in about 13 days, the larvae will spin a flea cocoon.
The third phase is referred to as the flea pupae stage. This is a very interesting part of the flea cycles as the time the flea spends in the pupa has a very large variation. What do I mean by that? Well put another way, provided its surroundings are humid, and the temperature is right, an adult flea could appear in just under a week. However, if not, the flea can remain dormant for over a year. This means that we could have a potential flea infestation in hibernation and it should be our top priority to kill them off asap.
The life cycle of a flea is almost complete, with the last part being the emergence of the actual adult flea. This entire process can take as long as two years or as short as a few weeks so it's critical that you be proactive about flea control, even if they are not jumping around your house or living on your pets. And that is about it, the life cycle of fleas isn't that complicated, and I encourage you to share this information with others or perhaps even use it in school projects (just mention this blog).
How Long Do Fleas Live and Where Do Fleas Come from?
What causes fleas to infest your home in such a short time? Well the average lifespan of an adult flea can vary depending on a number of factors, ranging from the climate to the availability of a host. For example, as soon as the flea emerges from its pupa, it has about 7 days to find a host (such as your darling pet) if it is to survive otherwise it will die. Many wonder where are fleas coming from and the answer usually lies with their pets. As already mentioned, fleas need to have their first meal fairly quickly, and as a result, female fleas tend to lay their eggs on a host that is warm blooded. Since pets spend a ton of time outside, this is usually where fleas come from, especially in the moist, dark areas around your garden.
Remember, fleas can jump quite a far distance, if you do find a flea on your skin it's probably jumped there while you were stroking your pet. I have also found that fleas can come from your neighbors', especially if they live fairly near to your living space. Unfortunately, you do not control their lifestyle, but you can use preventative measures to keep the fleas from their house and garden from infecting yours by using a combination of eucalyptus and cedar wood. More on that in this article about the best way for getting rid of fleas.
Where Do Fleas Live and What Do They Eat?
Many people wonder what do fleas eat, and the answer is blood. It doesn't have to be animal blood either; it can even be human blood so it's very important to check yourself from time to time to ensure that you don't have any on your body, especially if you have pets. The scary thing is that once the flea has fed just this once, it can then survive for up to a year on that single meal! I am not suggesting that the flea will stop trying to feed. Ironically, if the flea feeds 24/7, it will actually only live for about two weeks, and this is usually the case. Of course, preventing the fleas in the first place is the best medicine and as a result, I will be writing an article on flea control in the next week or so, stay tuned!
Fleas love to live in areas where it is both moist (slightly humid or wet areas are ideal) and typically warm. This allows fleas to thrive and is the reason why certain countries or areas around the globe suffer more from flea problems than others. Fleas live on any host that has warm blood, regardless of its type. Depending on its previous host, flea bites can be rather dangerous so it's important to get rid of them as soon as possible. Sometimes you won't even feel a flea on you as it numbs the skin before feasting on your blood. If you find a flea living on your pet or yourself, make sure that you treat it immediately to prevent further outbreaks and potential health risks associated with fleas. This makes humans flea extermination to be very important. I have been asked, "When do fleas come out" and although the answer can vary, usually they come out of the garden (and other places) because they need blood to survive.
What Do Fleas Look Like And What Attracts Them?
Fleas are very small bugs. In fact, if you are not actively looking for them, you probably won't even notice them, even if they are jumping around your house. Once fully grown, the adult flea is about 0.3cm long and is usually a dark brown color, although some have been known to have a red hue on their bodies.
Although fleas do not have any wings, they are able to use their legs (the three back ones) to jump very far, and as a result, they are able to land on various things around your house, including you. Their body is very resilient to physical damage as they are rather flat in design. If you do manage to catch one, you will have to use your nails to squash it. However, it's a much better idea to toss it down the drain of your kitchen sink and to ensure that you wash your hands properly after being in contact with fleas. Fleas are attracted to warm blood, either on yourself or your pets so make sure that you check yourself and them fairly regularly.
Interesting Flea Facts That You Can Share with Your Friends
- A flea can drink 15 times its weight in blood in just a single day!
- Scientists have found over 2,000 types of fleas and continue to find different ones each year!
- The biggest flea that has been found measured in at about 2.5cm!
- Scientists have shown that fleas can jump up to 1.2 meters!
- Fleas have been known to live for two years after having just a single meal of blood!
- For every flea that you find in your home, there are statistically about 80 others hidden from your sight!
- Research shows that fleas have been around for over 100 million years!
- Natural Flea Control has been proven to work despite being down played by most professionals!
- Many wonder, can humans get fleas? The answer is yes, some even have a severe reaction, usually a dog flea allergy or a cat flea allergy!
Flea Problems – Can They Be Solved Instantly?
Flea problems often take a long time to resolve. However, there are a few options that you have available to you if you want to treat flea problems. Besides applying Frontline or advantage to your pets, you can use things like flea bombs or foggers and mild flea sprays to eliminate these pests from your home. They are all very good for flea treatment and control. Whatever your choice, make sure that it has insect growth regulator (IGR) on the label otherwise it will not prevent (or kill) fleas that are still in the pupae or larvae stage of the flea life cycle. IGR compliant products prevent these from maturing into fleas and will ensure that a flea infestation does not rear its ugly head again.
In conclusion, I think it's safe to say that fleas are definitely an unwelcome guest in our homes. Flea infestations can be both an irritation and a potential health risk, both to your pets and your family. As a result, it's a good idea to get rid of them as soon as possible. Learning about the life cycle of a flea and various facts such as where this bug comes from and what it looks like is very beneficial as it allows us to understand them better. This will allow us to diagnose flea problems better and fight them effectively. Flea removal from your home is not that difficult, provided the correct steps are followed. I invite you to read a couple of my other pest control articles related to fleas to learn these exact steps. I would like to thank you for reading and hope that you share this with your friends and family so that they also can fight their flea problems properly.
Hello! My name is Natasha, and I have been helping people with their insect problems since 2012. I have published a book, worked with many pest control companies, and helped thousands with various infestations on a one-to-one basis. My goal for this blog is to create evidence-based guides that are easy to understand, provide sufficient depth and can be trusted to be very accurate. Please remember that my guides are for informational purposes only, and that you agree to the terms of use when reading content on this website. If you leave a comment, I typically respond within 48 hours.
Source: https://www.thebugsquad.com/fleas/flea-infestation/
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